Am 06/10/2011 02:51 AM, schrieb Tomek CEDRO:
> Not sure if OUTPUT-HIGH for FT2232 means Hi-Z but most buffers you
> mention in those interfaces are tri-state buffers from what I have
> seen on ~5 different devices. Tri-state buffers are active-low, so
> setting pins to input (Hi-Z) should give Hi-Z on connector in most
> cases
"Should give" and the assumption that a dongle will probably use a
'125-style driver (and that the pullup/pulldown resistor on the enable
pin yiels a disabled output) is not enough.

> ... strange designs may require layout-specific quit function but
> this is trivial to add :-
Then let's do it right in the first place - that means doing a
layout-specific deinit. There is nothing strange with positive logic -
let's not limit the types of dongles we can support.


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