2010/10/29  <freddie_cho...@op.pl>:
>  > A GUI utility to generate the config file would be nice.
> A GUI utility to do usual things would be even nicer - specify
> interface/chip, press "connect", select image file, press "flash"
> and that's it!

That would be nice. Somewhat along the line of H-Jtag
would be nice.

>  > OpenOCD is anyway not that fast and indeed not that
>  > easy to use, compared to IAR/J-Link...
> This can be improved! But every maintainer must want that too.
> I think making OpenOCD more user-friendly and having SWD
> support would be a major brakthrough for it, bot I think nothing is
> going on in those areas...

I have learned to be patient with Open Source projects. The
sad reality is that in general the progress is not that fast
for small projects like some projects I spent real efforts on
(I did not spent too much efforts on OpenOCD though). For
example libusb-win32 was not moving for three years (2007
-2010). In the end, Travis and I took over the project and
make it moving again.

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