Laurent Gauch wrote:
> That's a real good point for Rowley Crossworks 
> and Amontec JTAGkey Series 
> . Note, with the use of Amontec JTAGkey-2 based
> on high-speed USB, Rowley Crossworks becomes still a lot faster since
> the USB latency go form 1ms to 125us.

Any real solution just has to give up trying to run this from the PC.
It's stupid. I think some dongles do more or less of it already.
FT2232 obviously does not do it at all, whether full or high speed.
The USB-Blaster CPLD seems to be slightly more clever, but is not
quite fully utilized.

A PC is USELESS for any kind of bitbanging or the like (MPSSE in crap
FTDI chips counts just the same!) - there are *at least* THREE bus
masters between CPU and IO pin, and you want it to be fast? Come on..

Anything sensible will just use a higher level protocol and a more
intelligent hardware. Life will be good. The Versaloon is the only
sensible dongle at reasonable cost I have seen so far. Simple
no-nonsense design and great support from Simon. I recommend it to
everyone. A bit of integration with OpenOCD may still be missing but
that can not be too difficult.

Best of all - even the firmware for the adapter itself is open source!

> For the OpenOCD, we know there are some optimizations do be done on
> the software to accelerate the USB JTAG cable.

The bottleneck is stupid adapters.

> Removing the effect of the USB latency is a real challenge,

What's the problem?

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