
When I flash some big image (~128kB) on STM32 without any tricks:
> reset halt
> stm32x mass_erase
> flash write_image c:\\stm32.hex
I achieve speeds of 12kB. JTAG frequency is 1MHz.

When I use my reset init script which sets the flash latency to 2 cycles, starts the PLL with internal RC oscillator (final chip frequency 64MHz) and sets JTAG frequency to 6MHz I achieve speeds of... 13.5kB/s...

Flash sequence:
> reset init
> stm32x mass_erase
> flash write_image c:\\stm32.hex

Reset init script:
$_TARGETNAME configure -event reset-init {
        mww 0x40022000 0x32             # flash latency 2
        mww 0x40021004 0x3c0400         # max PLL multiplier 16x
        mww 0x40021000 0x01000883       # enable PLL
        sleep 10
        mww 0x40021004 0x3c0402         # connect PLL as main clock source
        sleep 10
        adapter_khz 6000

I've verified that this script works fine (the values in registers are fine), so why there is almost none increase in the loading speed?

This test was caused by curiosity which started after reading one forum post in which someone describes that in CrossWorks when using the same JTAG he achieved almost 150kB/s, over 14x faster than OpenOCD.

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