When the Amontec JTAGkey-2 hangs, does the internal red LED 'ON' or 'OFF' !

Laurent Gauch

Koeller, T. wrote:
Hi Laurent,

After restarting both your Amontec JTAGkey-2 and your TI davinci board, does openocd stop ever at the same command line ? (OpenOCD is able to detect the davinci correctly, then break)

Yes, if I do a clean start after unplugging the adapter and
powering off the board, it always starts successfully (well,
at least it did every time I tried so far).

  If not we could reach an unstable JTAG signals, termination line...
If yes, the problem is really coming from the OpenOCD in this case, we need more detail :
- Could you please run 1. and 2. with debug level d3 ?

I did - see attached files good_start.log, bad_start.log and

- Could you please try to deactivate the RTCK ( RCLK - adaptive clock ) and run at low frequency with adapter_khz 500 -> and let me know the same debug level d3.

Did that too - see files good_start_500kHz.log and

Thanks for the quick response!


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