
Thanks  for your advice.
I don't know if FA526 have hardware for single stepping, seen from code, it 
The first place i tried to change is set has_single_step = 0, unfortunately,it 
got same wrong pc value.

I am contaccting Faraday for datasheet of FA526, and, would you please do me a 
favor that introduce me the auther of fa526.c?

Thanks & Reards

Date:2009-11-06 23:44:29
CC:David Brownell; openocd-development
Topic:Re: [Openocd-development] bugs for FA526 core

2009/11/6 zzzh.2007 <zzzh.2...@qq.com>:
> Hi, David,
> I just tried at version of 0.4.0-dev-snapshot (2009-11-06-12:53), fails
> again, bug exists as before.

This is totally as expected. The FA526 is an obscure core and nobody
has been working on it for a while.

> Yes, i think i'd confirmed there is a bug, for FA526 core.
> I used to check the about code, and i think the bug have biggest possibility 
> lay in here:
> arm7_9->enable_single_step = arm9tdmi_enable_single_step;(at fa626.c:346)
> that is, i think fa526 may have different jtag strcture compare with common
> arm9tdmi, that's why the wrong instrction excuted.

Does the FA526 have hardware for single stepping?

If not the software single stepping could be a way to go?

Try modifying fa526.c to set has_single_step = 0.

Øyvind Harboe
ARM7 ARM9 ARM11 XScale Cortex
JTAG debugger and flash programmer
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