
I had problems with the "reset init" on LPC2478, too. I didn't analyze it 
deeply, but I noticed this problem:

OpenOCD reported that it couldn't halt the target. With debug on, I got the 
impression that the EmbeddedICE had been programmed for a break before the 
final SRST/TRST happened. There was an attempt to reprogram it afterwards, but 
that didn't seem to be complete.

I've added a call to jtag_add_tlr(), and that solved it for me.
All relevant EmbeddedICE registers are now reprogrammed.

It looks like there's some internal state which didn't notice that the target 
hardware got a reset. Seems reasonable to me to have the TAP reset call here, 
but I'm not an expert...


Index: src/target/arm7_9_common.c
--- src/target/arm7_9_common.c  (revision 2731)
+++ src/target/arm7_9_common.c  (working copy)
@@ -1105,6 +1105,9 @@
        if (target->reset_halt && (jtag_reset_config & RESET_SRST_PULLS_TRST) 
!= 0)
                LOG_WARNING("srst pulls trst - can not reset into halted mode. 
Issuing halt after reset.");
+               jtag_add_tlr();
                /* set up embedded ice registers again */
                if ((retval = target_examine_one(target)) != ERROR_OK)
                        return retval;

--- Freddie Chopin <freddie_cho...@op.pl> schrieb am Mo, 21.9.2009:

> Von: Freddie Chopin <freddie_cho...@op.pl>
> Betreff: Re: [Openocd-development] 0.3 anyone?
> An: "Øyvind Harboe" <oyvind.har...@zylin.com>
> CC: openocd-development@lists.berlios.de
> Datum: Montag, 21. September 2009, 19:04
> Øyvind Harboe pisze:
> > Does anyone have a bunch of stuff that will be
> completed in the near future?
> How about that new LPC2xxx cfg files layout?
> With a bit of investigation the "reset init" should be
> working, or that 
> can be left for future, as now this script is not fully
> functional either...
> 4\/3!!
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