I am trying to use the windows installer version from www.freddiechopin.info
and I think I am missing something.


I install it and then am prompted for my olimex cd 3x (I am using Olimex USB


When I try to use it I get the following when I do an 'init'


The same script works fine on ubuntu


Debug: 71 78 command.c:77 script_debug(): init - argv[0]=ocd_init

Debug: 72 78 openocd.c:129 handle_init_command(): target init complete

Debug: 73 78 ft2232.c:2059 ft2232_init(): ft2232 interface using shortest
path jtag state transitions

Debug: 74 78 ft2232.c:1978 ft2232_init_libftdi(): 'ft2232' interface using
libftdi with 'olimex-jtag' layout (15ba:0004)

Error: 75 94 ft2232.c:1997 ft2232_init_libftdi(): unable to open ftdi
device: device not found

Debug: 76 94 command.c:440 run_command(): Command failed with error code

User : 77 94 command.c:642 openocd_jim_vfprintf(): Runtime error, file
"testbd.cfg", line 15:

    User : 78 94 command.c:642 openocd_jim_vfprintf():

User : 81 94 command.c:642 openocd_jim_vfprintf():

User : 83 94 command.c:642 openocd_jim_vfprintf():


Anyone seen this, or know what step I may have left out?



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