I found some time to investigate that problem.

Nico Coesel pisze:
> At which frequency is your LPC2103 running and which core voltage?

After reset 12MHz and the voltages are standard - 3.3V an 1.8V. After 
some inits - 72MHz (max).

> At higher frequencies the chip may show strange behaviour due to the core
> supply voltage dropping too much (NXP has an errata sheet on this).

I've checked that, but my revision of LPC2103 doesn't have that bug. 
Moreover - the code works perfectly in "normal" conditions - that 
failure is there ONLY when debugging.

What actually helped was specifically disabling MAM via GDB after reset. 
The soft_reset_halt doesn't do that, and that was the problem. I need to 

monitor mww 0xE01FC000 0

to a GDB startup commands and then everything is fine.

Do you think that disabling MAM should be added in some way to 
soft_reset_halt procedure?

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