On Fri, 2009-06-26 at 17:04 -0700, David Brownell wrote:
> On Friday 26 June 2009, Zach Welch wrote:
> >  Any tips for handling N RTCK signals, other
> > than my brute force "use part(s) of a 7400 series IC" or plain "simply
> > don't" approaches?
> I found some info in a TI presentation when I was
> searching for 1149.7 or maybe ICEpick information ... 
> ICEPick has some RTCK smarts, and TI has some VHDL
> they'll send you.  Apply Google...
> Basically, you want want RTCK(out) to be high only
> once *all* RTCK(i) input values are high.  And then
> you want it to go low as soon as *any* RTCK(i) input
> goes low.  I think there was some other nuance too;
> the VHDL probably captures some timing constraints,
> like minimum high and low times.
> The "combine N RTCK signals" issue comes up both
> at chip and board level integration.  With a JRC,
> you've also got to gate each RTCK so that it's not
> included in the RTCK(out) computation unless it's
> actually part of the scan chain.

Thanks for this great explanation.   Would you mind retouching the RTCK
FAQ in the The User's Guide?  There is already a little information
there (which was not as immediately helpful as I needed it to be), and
some of the details you provided here might supplement it nicely.

> p.s. Yes, most targets should "just work".

Cool. I need to do something like this to remind myself that it's
possible to have some fun with these tools.  :/


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