On Friday 26 June 2009, Zach Welch wrote:
>  Any tips for handling N RTCK signals, other
> than my brute force "use part(s) of a 7400 series IC" or plain "simply
> don't" approaches?

I found some info in a TI presentation when I was
searching for 1149.7 or maybe ICEpick information ... 
ICEPick has some RTCK smarts, and TI has some VHDL
they'll send you.  Apply Google...

Basically, you want want RTCK(out) to be high only
once *all* RTCK(i) input values are high.  And then
you want it to go low as soon as *any* RTCK(i) input
goes low.  I think there was some other nuance too;
the VHDL probably captures some timing constraints,
like minimum high and low times.

The "combine N RTCK signals" issue comes up both
at chip and board level integration.  With a JRC,
you've also got to gate each RTCK so that it's not
included in the RTCK(out) computation unless it's
actually part of the scan chain.

- Dave

p.s. Yes, most targets should "just work".
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