Duane Ellis pisze:
> Because OpenOCD is *NOT* talking to this channel - and not using it... 
> then Yes, I think this is a good work around.
> Earlier I suggested a "single inf file that contained everything".
> Perhaps that is a bad idea. Reason:
> I have an Olimex Jtag Tiny - (ft2232 based) - it only does JTAG, it does 
> not have the serial port available. I am sure there are other dongles 
> just like that.
> Maybe - that "4 column text file" could be expanded - to include what 
> should "channel A do" and what should "channel B do".

So first of all - when you remove the MI_01 entry it is possible to 
install and use the Virtual COM port with drivers from FTDI. The 
original .inf files don't need any additional changes.

About Duane's idea. A script is still not needed. The basic thing is 
that FT2232 has two channels and for each of them the system has to have 
some kind of driver. When the device is "JTAG-only" (second channel 
unused) than the inf file for libusb should contain entries for both of 
them. When the device has a UART/RS-232 port on the second channel, the 
inf file for libusb should only contain ONE entry, for first channel - 
this way system (and the user) will have to look for the driver 
somewhere else (original inf file for FTDI).


When a dongle is "JTAG-only"

User has to add total of FOUR lines to the .inf file:

"{name}"=LIBUSB_DEV, USB\VID_{vid}&PID_{pid}&MI_00
"{name}"=LIBUSB_DEV, USB\VID_{vid}&PID_{pid}&MI_01

When a dongle has JTAG and RS-232/UART

User has to add only TWO lines to the .inf file:

"{name}"=LIBUSB_DEV, USB\VID_{vid}&PID_{pid}&MI_00

The above line/lines (with filled {} elements) should go info [Devices] 
and [Devices.NT] group, that's why the numbers are doubled.

I'll post a changed inf file in a moment.

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