On Mon, 2009-06-22 at 19:19 +0200, Harald Kipp wrote:
> Øyvind Harboe wrote:
> > On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 5:47 PM, Michael
> > Schwingen<rincew...@discworld.dascon.de> wrote:
> >> Harald Kipp wrote:
> >>> This is easier to implement than what I suggested: Building an
> >>> intermediate LGPL'ed DLL which links OpenOCD with FTD2XX.
> >>>
> >> I don't see how that solves the GPL problem: as soon as the FTD2XX
> >> library is linked into openocd, it is not OK to distribute - having an
> >> intermediate do the linking does not change the legal status, IMHO - but
> >> IANAL.
> > 
> > I'm not a GPL expert, but this still sounds like trying to circumvent the
> > license problem and is no different than LoadLibrary() vs. implicit
> > LoadLibrary().
> Sorry for those convoluted language constructions. We Germans love to
> create complicated sentences, although they typically lead to confusion.
> Simple version:
> 1. Someone creates a dummy FTD2XX library, published under LGPL. This
> library does not contain any FTDI-code, just dummies which contain the
> same entry names, but always return errors.
> 2. This library can be distributed with the OpenOCD executable, enabled
> for FT2232 support. OpenOCD will run flawlessly, but of course not work
> with Turtelizer 2 or similar hardware. It will work with other adapters.
> 3. The user can replace this dummy with the original libraries,
> downloadable from FTDI's website. Now OpenOCD will work with FT2232
> based adapters.

I believe this would be illegal circumvention of the GPL. 

For these kinds of machinations to be acceptable, the "dummy" library
needs to actually function in a comparable manner; that would mean
implementing a full wrapper for libftdi using the FTD2XX APIs.

Otherwise, you would be distributing a binary version of OpenOCD for the
express purpose of it being linked to the proprietary FTD2XX drivers.
You really would not be doing anything different, and I would object
strenuously to this approach.  I seriously doubt it would be legal.

As far as I am concerned, you are looking for a way to maintain your
status quo, and I understand your desire to do so.  Honestly, any form
of working dummy library pisses me off, but there may be nothing that I
can do about it (assuming it was done properly).  Well, I suppose that I
can state that I would never commit it to the repository myself.

Regardless, your unwillingness to contribute to a good solution -- one
that would be acceptable to its major contributors -- undermines my
perception of your open source integrity and that of your business.

Be advised: I am starting to visualize torches and pitchforks.  I am
actually surprised that no one has posted links to these threads on a
popular aggregation site; this kind of situation is chum in the water
for real GPL sharks.  You will quickly find that I am very reasonable
when compared to such extremists.



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