Freddie Chopin wrote:
> Michael Schwingen pisze:
>> those poor windows-only users
> I think that majority of OpenOCD users are on Windows... Yes, they are 
> not as l33t as the Linux users, but still...
I am not talking about "l33t" (whatever that may be) - only about the
extra problems windows users have to endure to use openocd.

> 6700 d/l of the windows version, add 250 d/l from my webpage, than ask 
> Michael Fisher about the traffic on his website and rethink the attitude 
> towards Windows...
I have no attitude against Windows, but even those numbers can't change
the legal status: openocd is GPLv2, and that means that everyone
distributing openocd binaries has to abide by that licence - period.

Whining about that fact is useless, even if the majority of users have
that problem.

Instead of complaining about the status quo (*I* am happy we have
something like openocd at all, and with a free license, too!), we should
think about what needs to be done to make it available/distributable to
windows users.

That probably means either re-licensing, or making changes that remove
the need for the troublesome DLL.
Trying to wiggle around the GPLv2 requirements is no option IMHO, as it
makes the project (and/or distributors) susceptible to legal action.


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