It appears that his mailer (Foxmail according to the headers) doesn't include the References: header when replying.


On May 25, 2009, at 9:03 PM, Zach Welch wrote:

On Tue, 2009-05-26 at 11:36 +0800, SimonQian wrote:
As Zach Welch mentioned, my posts breaks the thread.

Translation: for some reason he and a few others' replies are often (but
not always) threaded incorrectly in some e-mail readers.

To give a basis for comparison, look at the BerliOS archive of his
thread today, entitled 'svn tap name patch':

It appears as several scattered different threads, which is how it
appeared in my mailbox (amidst all the other threads).  Interestingly,
more research shows that handled it just fine:

If I had to guess, they are smart enough to look for these kinds of
exceptions based on subject.  That's buggy in other respects.

I don't know why, and even don't know how to break it.

Me neither.  I wrote you to see if we could figure it out off-list.
My first guess might buggy/old client software; a new one might be
related to different native languages (i18n bugs).

I'll switch to GMail for OpenOCD maillist.
Should it be working properly?

Most likely. I cannot fathom what the problems might be. After having
done the above research, I am willing to admit that there are bugs in
Evolution's threading (at least compared to, but the
fact that mailman has the same problems says something bigger is
happening here.  Can anyone clue us in?



Openocd-development mailing list

Rick Altherr

"He said he hadn't had a byte in three days. I had a short, so I split it with him."
 -- Unsigned

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