On Tue, 2009-05-26 at 11:36 +0800, SimonQian wrote:
> As Zach Welch mentioned, my posts breaks the thread.

Translation: for some reason he and a few others' replies are often (but
not always) threaded incorrectly in some e-mail readers.

To give a basis for comparison, look at the BerliOS archive of his
thread today, entitled 'svn tap name patch':


It appears as several scattered different threads, which is how it
appeared in my mailbox (amidst all the other threads).  Interestingly,
more research shows that mail-archive.com handled it just fine:


If I had to guess, they are smart enough to look for these kinds of
exceptions based on subject.  That's buggy in other respects.

> I don't know why, and even don't know how to break it.

Me neither.  I wrote you to see if we could figure it out off-list.
My first guess might buggy/old client software; a new one might be
related to different native languages (i18n bugs).

> I'll switch to GMail for OpenOCD maillist.
> Should it be working properly?

Most likely.  I cannot fathom what the problems might be.  After having
done the above research, I am willing to admit that there are bugs in
Evolution's threading (at least compared to mail-archive.com), but the
fact that mailman has the same problems says something bigger is
happening here.  Can anyone clue us in?



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