On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 5:04 PM, Magnus Lundin <lun...@mlu.mine.nu> wrote:
> Hi
> This looks like a reset problem, not a write to flash problem. This is the
> type of problems we are trying fix with the latest jtag/jlink/ft2232
> patches.
> What is the target configuration.

Here it is.

source [find target/lpc2148.cfg]
source [find interface/jlink.cfg]

#----------- Daemon Configuration
telnet_port     4444
gdb_port        3333
tcl_port        6666

# Tell gdb that you can use us to program the device (requires GDB
>=6.7 and libexapt)
gdb_memory_map    enable
gdb_flash_program enable

The script from Michael seems to be better and I can halt the target.
But the flashing problem is still there. Michael is helping me on this.
He is thinking that the hex file is without a checksum and there are
some problems with the startup code. I got the code from the
lpcusb project and lpc21isp seems to be ok with the hex file.

Xiaofan http://mcuee.blogspot.com
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