> > Right.  I think some patches should certainly be able
> > to fit into the "keep that in the -next queue" category.
> >
> > Effective review is probably not easy here; who knows
> > JTAG well enough to contribute non-cosmetic feedback?
> Actually, a fair number of us _do_ know JTAG fairly well.

That's good ... I guess I was thinking more about the
difficulties in expanding that set.  (The code could
not have gotten to its current state without at least
a core of folk with the relevant skills!)

> The target protocols are another matter.

Right; needs hardware, testers, "users", etc.

> > One process that could hardly help but improve things
> > is to define a "release manager" who herds patches for
> > a given release ... and someone else who herds patches
> > for the next one, keeping the queues in sync.
> >
> > OpenOCD doesn't seem to have anyone responsible for
> > the "next" release, whatever it's called (maybe a
> > datecode like "2009-06"?).  Such roles should ideally
> > be rotated.  Some projects have teams defining them.
> >
> Technically, I took that role for the 0.1.0 release.  There were two  
> factors that have make continuing as such for 0.2.0 challenging: my  
> home life and lack of community support.  My home life is in a bit of  
> turmoil due to a home remodel, new baby, and looking for a new day  
> job.  The community support was nearly non-existent.

Getting a release out is rarely a picnic even
in the best of cases!

And it seems like you really needed help that you
weren't getting (but should have had):

> Even slowing   
> things down for 0.1.0 was difficult but I managed.  As soon as 0.1.0  
> was released, trunk had already progressed well ahead and was in  
> chaos.  Attempting to slow things down and establish which in-progress  
> developments need to be finished has been met with resistance.  As  
> soon as one in-progress item is finished, 3 others have been partially  
> introduced.  _If_ a process was put in place for accepting patches to  
> trunk, the job of release management _might_ be possible.

Likewise, for deferring some patches until the next release.

This is one of the things that Linux does interestingly.
Except for a brief "merge window" and things like new code
that can't break anything (new drivers etc), the "trunk" is
managed *always* as a release stage.  Everything else gets
batched up to merge later, in that merge window.

It took time to get that process working well, but at this
point there are a LOT of developers who are used to it.

> Otherwise,   
> it primarily means picking an arbitrary revision of trunk and making  
> it the branch.  Then, as in-progress items are finished, merge the  
> patches from trunk into the branch.  It sucks and makes the release  
> manager do _a lot_ of work.  It's not an easy job watching every  
> commit and determining if it should be taken for the release or not.   
> It's also not easy backporting fixes that don't apply cleanly because  
> trunk has moved on with other widespread changes.

Hrrm, yes.  Those all seem like *very* significant problems.
It should not have been your job, actually ... folk should
have said "this needs to get into <next release>" when the
patches were submitted, and if it did need tweaks the work
should have been done by the patch submitter.

> Enough ranting from me.  We need to set some criteria for introducing  
> patches into trunk and formalize the process.  We also need to  
> establish the same for release branches.  Then, everyone with commit  
> access needs to respect those processes.  If we all play by the same  
> rules, cutting releases more frequently will be easy and the overall  
> quality of trunk will be better.

Given what I've seen work on other projects, I'd agree.

> > Regular status updates help too.  Linux has clear
> > progress markers via version codes (2.6.29, then
> > merge window, then 2.6.30-rc1, etc) *and* at least
> > brief status reports every weeks when a new version
> > is tagged. GCC has different status reports (which
> > get rotated among release team members) and very
> > clear tree status.  OOCD has nothing similar.
> >
> Right.  This follows from the above.  If you have a process, it is  
> easy to send out updates about what stage we are in.  The releases  
> don't need to be on a strict timeline, but knowing that this release  
> is slowing down and another will be opening helps patch authors set  
> their schedules and use their time effectively.

Status is both output of, and feedback into, the
process.  Without status, you don't really have a
process ... once you start tracking and measuring
things (against goals), that is itself a process.

> > If they were merged, I would have argued against "opt-in".
> > When a patch is basically good, any remaining bugs should
> > just get fixed.  If it isn't, it shouldn't merge.
> >
> Actually, in this case, opt-in was the right model.  In general I  
> agree with you, but when you are changing such a fundamental part of  
> the code, it will take time for the other pieces to be tested and  
> debugged.

So opt-in was just a testing aid?  That's better.  I'd
still have set the build option the other way ... so the
testing was maximized.  Maybe not for a week or two, but
certainly not very long after merge.

> > Right.  The guts of it boil down, IMO, to defining some
> > responsible roles ... and having people meet those roles.
> >
> > Given that, some tools work better than others.  GIT makes
> > it easy to have any number of branches without needing to
> > grant excess permissions to anyone, for example.  But we
> > have all probably seen projects managed effectively using
> > tools like CVS or SVN.  The tools are secondary to having
> > a process which uses them well.
> I'm not entirely sold on GIT as a project source control system, but  
> things like git-svn enable individuals to maintain their own GIT  
> branches and push them to the project as a patch.  That provides a  
> reasonable balance between the needs of the project and the needs of  
> the contributors.

I'm using git-svn now, FWIW, and quilt on top.  It's good having
the entire project history accessible without needing server access;
and patch bisection "just works".

- Dave
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