On Fri, 2009-05-08 at 20:08 +0200, Igor Skochinsky wrote:
> Hi All,
> On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 19:19, Zach Welch <z...@superlucidity.net> wrote:
> [...]
> > I apologize for hitting Reply instead of Reply-all (and the for my
> > mailing system for delaying the second message just minutes later).
> > Clearly, I have no intention of shying away from the public eye.
> Sorry for derailing the thread, but I have been hit by this issue a
> few times as well. I think this is the only ML I'm subscribed to that
> doesn't set Reply-To address to the ML address. Is there any reason
> for that and can the setting be changed?

There are well-documented reasons posted on the interwebs:


That is the first hit for me when searching for "mailing list reply-to".
> As for the topic, it's nice that Øyvind decided to stop for now, but
> in the meantime we have broken code in head. I think the best would be
> to revert to a known working version and Øyvind could try again when
> he got everything figured out. Also, one big patch for such change
> would be better than dozens of small ones IMO (yes, I know that it's
> against the local "tradition").

I basically agree with this assessment, but I think Øyvind needs to make
this decision and revert the patches himself.  Other maintainers may
feel comfortable taking such actions, but I do not endorse interfering
with another maintainer's patches.  Do unto others, and all that jazz.

The issues with the current trunk are now well documented on the list.
Use an earlier revision for now if it still causes you trouble;
otherwise, I still want to give him a chance to get this cleaned up.

I will try to help the community put policies into place that prevent
such severe problems from reaching the trunk in the future.  Thanks for
providing your feedback; sorry for all the noise and confusion.



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