OK, I am a developer, I am lazy and my only strong feelings about build 
systems is "I dont care, I dont want to know, and a do not want to 
learn".  Sure, sometimes we have to do this and perfect builds with 
clean installations for every platform is an art to admire and respect.

I have tried to understand and fix build problems for packages using 
autoconf/automake and my impression is that it is terrible.  On the 
other hand, for me, the present  OpenOCD setup works very well, I can 
add both c files and external libraries to test things and it works  
(Fedora 10 Linux).

I think I might even try the patch this weekend, but even better is if 
it is clean enough to put into trunk without disturbing the oldfasioned 
people, then I getit from my regular svn update.


Dick Hollenbeck wrote:
> This was posted to another project and it lists some nice things about 
> CMake:
> 1) you can run ccmake (yes, extra c in front) to fine tune the 
> configuration options interactively if your first choices are wrong, 
> inside a nice GUI.
> 2) you can run cmake <path to source> to do out of tree builds.  This is 
> nice when you want different builds concurrently.
> 3) you can probably get CMake to work without Cygwin, where no bash 
> scripting is necessary.  This can be nice for Windows developers for 
> single shot compiling.
> 4) It can generate makefiles for compilers other than GNU.
> 5) cmake -i  can be used to interactively prompt you for the mandatory 
> configuration variables.
> 6) after the first time, just running make alone can trigger a 
> reconfiguration if it detects that any CMakeLists.txt file have 
> changed.  And this my friends, is sweet.  It effectively lets the input 
> to make be the cmake scripts!
> Hope this helps inspire some folks sitting on the sidelines.
> Dick
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