On Apr 17, 2009, at 7:03 AM, Dick Hollenbeck wrote:

Piotr Esden-Tempski wrote:

On Apr 17, 2009, at 4:52 AM, Dick Hollenbeck wrote:

There still needs to be some


lines added for static libraries on APPLE.

These should be called MACOS_X as Apple is a company, not a product or

You are correct. CMake probably has its own platform define however,
that it defines automagically on a given platform.  I actually don't
know what it is on OSX, but I think it is APPLE.
It should be called darwin. All unix tools I know off call Apple Mac
OS X based
computers this way.

(but this is easy to do and probably will only ever effect MICHAEL.)

I'm solely on OS X and could be affected, but I tend to use dynamic

Somebody please commit it.

There is still some open discussion on whether or not the project
wants to.

Cool. But until people actually use it, they are not in a position to discuss it. So it is a catch 22 that I think is best broken by making
easy to try.
Well I know CMake and I know autotools also pretty well. And I think that
replacing one build system, that is working very good, with another
one, only
for the reason of replacing it wrong. I do not see any technical
reason for
replacing the build system here. (maybe I just miss something)

I could also come and say that you should switch to git because it is
to svn. But svn is working so why replace it? I think it would be just
time, and this time would be better invested in improoving openocd

Cheers Esden

No one has suggested replacement. The 3 people that have spoken up FOR
CMake have ALL said to add it.   You can keep your autotools, but I
won't have anything to do with them. MY life is too short to spend it wasting time with autotools. Autotools and installshield hold a special
place in my life.  I am not on speaking terms with either, because
neither brings anywhere near the return on investment that I demand in
my life:    (value obtained) divided by (time spent)

I can understand a resistance to change, especially if it were a
"replacement" kind of change.  But resisting a harmless addition that
you can safely ignore is not healthy and this attitude will not motivate
folks to contribute anything.


Openocd-development mailing list

But it isn't a harmless addition that I can safely ignore. Now when a new file or folder gets added, I need to modify both Makefile.am as well as the CMake files. It add extra time to _my_ development for no immediate benefit to me. Further, anytime the 2 build systems get out of sync, someone will need to figure out what changes need to be merged both ways. If you don't wish to touch autotools, I take it that you won't be updating the autotools files when you make changes. Further, I expect that you won't be particularly willing to handle tracking the autotools files for updates to the CMake files.

Rick Altherr

"He said he hadn't had a byte in three days. I had a short, so I split it with him."
 -- Unsigned

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