Piotr Esden-Tempski wrote:
> Hi!
> On Apr 17, 2009, at 4:52 AM, Dick Hollenbeck wrote:
>>>> There still needs to be some
>>>> if(APPLE)
>>>> endif(APPLE)
>>>> lines added for static libraries on APPLE.
>>> These should be called MACOS_X as Apple is a company, not a product or
>>> OS.
>> You are correct.  CMake probably has its own platform define however,
>> that it defines automagically on a given platform.  I actually don't
>> know what it is on OSX, but I think it is APPLE.
> It should be called darwin. All unix tools I know off call Apple Mac 
> OS X based
> computers this way.
>>>> (but this is easy to do and probably will only ever effect MICHAEL.)
>>> I'm solely on OS X and could be affected, but I tend to use dynamic
>>> libraries.
>>>> Somebody please commit it.
>>> There is still some open discussion on whether or not the project
>>> wants to.
>> Cool.  But until people actually use it, they are not in a position to
>> discuss it.  So it is a catch 22 that I think is best broken by making
>> easy to try.
> Well I know CMake and I know autotools also pretty well. And I think that
> replacing one build system, that is working very good, with another 
> one, only
> for the reason of replacing it wrong. I do not see any technical 
> reason for
> replacing the build system here. (maybe I just miss something)
> I could also come and say that you should switch to git because it is 
> superior
> to svn. But svn is working so why replace it? I think it would be just 
> wasted
> time, and this time would be better invested in improoving openocd 
> itself.
> Cheers Esden

No one has suggested replacement.  The 3 people that have spoken up FOR 
CMake have ALL said to add it.   You can keep your autotools, but I 
won't have anything to do with them.   MY life is too short to spend it 
wasting time with autotools.  Autotools and installshield hold a special 
place in my life.  I am not on speaking terms with either, because 
neither brings anywhere near the return on investment that I demand in 
my life:    (value obtained) divided by (time spent)

I can understand a resistance to change, especially if it were a 
"replacement" kind of change.  But resisting a harmless addition that 
you can safely ignore is not healthy and this attitude will not motivate 
folks to contribute anything.


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