On Feb 3, 2009, at 11:39 AM, Georg Acher wrote:

On Tue, Feb 03, 2009 at 10:54:37AM -0800, Rick Altherr wrote:

There was a large commit to the SVN trunk last night that touched the
ft2232 driver.  Have you tried using the 0.1.0 release instead?

I've tried it with an older version from around November and had the same

Interesting.  Do you have a different ft2232-based dongle to try?

No one has reported it thus far.  Personally I use at ft2232-based
programmer with libftdi 0.14 and libusb 0.1.12 on OS X and it has
worked fine. It would help to know the versions of libusb and what OS
you are on.

It's an Ubuntu 7.04 (kernel 2.6.22-14) with libusb 0.1.12. The libftdi is
the newest version, as the one in 7.04 missed some symbols.

I assume you built libftdi by hand then.  Can you try libftdi 0.14?

I tried to reduce the block size used ft2232_send_and_recv for the
ft2232_write()-call, but that changed nothing. I tried it with an USB 1.1
hub and directly on an 2.0 port, also no difference.

It _could_ be a design issue with the dongle's USB connector. I'm more inclined to believe it is software, but we can't rule out a hardware problem.

Is it possible that is has something to do with the return TCK? My JTAG port
has this signal tied to 0.

The ft2232 doesn't support RTCK so that won't matter.

       Georg Acher, ac...@in.tum.de
       "Oh no, not again !" The bowl of petunias
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Rick Altherr

"He said he hadn't had a byte in three days. I had a short, so I split it with him."
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