I've bought the "OpenOCD USB" JTAG programmer:

It has the usual FT2232, so I thought it should be supported, but there are
some strange problems...

I've compiled the latest openocd from SVN and used libftdi-0.15 for

In principle it works for my ARM11-target. That means JTAG detection,
register fiddling, flash probing and even the slow CFI flashing are OK.

But when using working_area und thus the "fast" CFI-flash mode is used,
it only gives these errors:

> flash write_bank 0  file.bin 0x100000
<a few seconds delay>
ftdi_write_data: usb bulk write failed
couldn't write MPSSE commands to FT2232
ftdi_write_data: usb bulk write failed

Exactly the same process with a parport programmer works, so it looks not
like a deeper JTAG/ARM problem.

For ft2232_layout, i've tried jtagkey and the olimex-thing, both show the
same behavior.

The error message looks like something in the communication to the FT2232
fails, but I have no clue where the problem can be.

I guess that more people are using a FT2232-based programmer, is this a
known problem?
         Georg Acher, ac...@in.tum.de         
         "Oh no, not again !" The bowl of petunias          
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