> Jörg Krein pisze:
> > Tried it with Code::Blocks IDE and the Codesourcery gdb but 
> it crashed.
> codesourcery's gdb is broken in all 2008q3 releases. i wrote 
> about that on their list, but so far no response...
> http://www.codesourcery.com/archives/arm-gnu/msg02439.html
> i don't know whether it's the new version of gdb or just the 
> codesourcery bug. slightly older gdb from yagarto works fine for me.

May not be related as 2008q3-66 gdb behaves fine on the console.
Not looked into it but it could be a gdb-mi issue, codeblocks does not use
gdb-mi - so may work.

Just for info there is a new project to develop a codeblocks openocd plugin
- very early stages but it does work.


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