On Thu, Jan 08, 2009 at 05:47:46PM +0100, Mag. Dr. Nikolaus Klepp wrote:
> Hi!
> Can sombody give me hints how to get OpenOCD (svn-version) running with the 
> SPM23-Primer?

Here's a hint that I can give you.  -f interface/rlink.cfg is not
enough.  You also need to configure it for your target.  Try this:

        openocd -f interface/rlink.cfg -f board/stm32f10x_128k_eval.cfg

Order may well be important.  I specify the interface cfg before other
things (such as board cfg) that might need the interface.  I've had an
interaction with another user which suggests that that is, indeed,

Once you're that far, you'll need to know how to actually use the
tool(s), and that's about where I am at.  It will involve issuing
commands to openocd via gdb, telnet, or the tcl interface, or, in
simple cases, via a cfg file or -c arguments.

> "Robster" posted on http://www.stm32circle.com that it should work, but as I 
> am new to OpenOCD I do not have a clue how to do it.
> I have compiled OpenOCD with --enable-rlink - worked. But what do I do now?
> When I run 
>               openocd -f target/interface/rlink.cfg
> I get this errors & warnings:
>       Error: There are no enabled taps?
>       Error: There are no enabled taps?

Explained by not having configured any targets.

>       Warn : no telnet port specified, using default port 4444
>       Warn : no gdb ports allocated as no target has been specified
>       Warn : no tcl port specified, using default port 6666

These ports can be specified in a cfg file.  The defaults are often
useable as they are, and these warnings are harmless if perhaps noisy.
If you like the defaults, you can always configure the ports thus, and
that will get rid of the warnings.

> So this config file is a bit too minimalistic. Has anybody a working config 
> for STM32primer?

The board config file cited above comes with OpenOCD and will get you
most of the way there generically.  In addition to the interface config,
of course.

You could also write a cfg file which sources or does the same things
as the two abovementioned cfg files and use just that one.  Such a cfg
file could easily source the other two and do stuff for your project,
such as setting telnet/gdb/tcl ports and anything else you need for your
chosen activity.  Or you could just use those two with -f as shown and
add a third for your specific stuff.
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