I read through this tonight. Excellent work! The organization is exactly what I was planning to do. The only suggestion I have is to remove all the references to removed or deprecated syntax except for the appendix. Otherwise it just confuses the issue. A first time user shouldn't be exposed to the removed syntax. An experienced user will jump to the removed/deprecated appendix if they are running into a syntax error.


On Nov 28, 2008, at 11:51 PM, Duane Ellis wrote:

oyvind> [commit - of earlier stuff]
spen> The docs still talk about the old commands - chapter 4.7

duane> FYI - I am in the process of updating docs... And removing the
"jtag_device" command - replacing it with "jtag newtap". I will try to
address some of these issues.

I have a *MASSIVE* update documentation update ready.

I also have 3 versions on line for others to look at and read, PDF,
One-HTML, and Many-HTML.

Links are on this page:


I have restructured much of the document, updated and removed many old
commands, and added new documentation for the new "tapenable" and
"tapdisable" commands that have had some limited testing. That is
another Patch I'm readying.

But - meanwhile I'd like somebody to take a look at what I have done.

(oh and somebody will shoot me for my ability tospell)

What I need to do is update my local instance of  r1183 - to the head
and create some patches.


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Rick Altherr

"He said he hadn't had a byte in three days. I had a short, so I split it with him."
 -- Unsigned

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