ian> When using an FTDI FT2232 based JTAG interface, what limits the 
JTAG speed?
ian> [snip] [with the REV H (usb2.0) make it faster]?

The FTDI has a max output clock rate of 6mhz.

However, that does not tell the whole story.

(A) GDB talks to openocd via the GDB protocol.

(B) GDB's protocol is ping-pong not a streaming window based

DEFINED: ping-pong,  I send you a packet, you send an ACK or NAK.

(C) That ping-pong is layered on top of TCP/IP, which is ping-pong also 
(with some hacks)

(D) OpenOCD must do many things and many state changes over jtag

(E) USB is a ping-pong protocol also.

(F) Each of these steps require 1 to N (where N is large) ping-pong USB 

(G) The JTAG clock must be some division of the CPU clock. Yes, there 
are 500mhz arms out there - but anything more then 8 to 9mhz does not do 
well on a 6 inch ribbon cable.

The speed issues is all those steps in the middle. The USB2.0 "H" 
version should speed up step (E) the USB ping pong protocol, nothing more.

A dongle and target that supports RTCK speeds up (G) - but only to a 
point (FT2232 does not support rtck)

The real cost is (D) but is helped by using the DCC to download. OpenOCD 
supports this if you enable it and have a work area.


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