Actually, having said that I probably don’t have enough time to continue with 
it anyways as the moment as I have an Office move coming up in London...

Stephen Cottham
Group IT Manager (Associate)

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-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Cottham 
Sent: 01 August 2012 15:04
Subject: RE: Auto Installer

Thanks Jakub...

But I think you may have missed my emails saying that I was working on this 
already and that I was going to add the error detection, update options and 
Ubuntu and Debian menu select... the version you are "improving" was a test to 
make sure that it successfully installed OM 2.0 before I moved on and added the 
other components.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jakub Skory [] 
Sent: 01 August 2012 14:59
Subject: Re: Auto Installer

I'm working on improve auto-install script. I tried to make DEB packages with 
'checkinstall' instead running make install, and cp to /usr/lib and add some 
basic error detection (script should exit in case of apt failure). It's still 
work in progres, I'm posting it here for discussion. It doesn't work yet. 
Tommorow I'll continue.
Jakub Skory, <kuba(at)ukw(dot)edu(dot)pl> System Operator IT Center:
tel:             +48 52 3257 649,  +48 52 3257 647
fax:             +48 52 3257 646,  +48 52 3257 647
working hours:    08a.m. - 04p.m.
mail:             di(at)ukw(dot)edu(dot)pl
postal address:   M. Kopernika 1 (room 8/9), 85-074, Bydgoszcz.
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