in autoinstaller there is '#!/bin/bash' missing, and /usr/adm does not
exist in fresh Debian install. Diff in attachment, based on version 
29/07/2012 of script and debian-6.0.5-amd64 (squeeze).

Also.. In file on server there is windows-like EOL (CRLF). I used dos2unix
to conver it to unix-like LF. Just cosmetology :)
Jakub Skory, <kuba(at)ukw(dot)edu(dot)pl>
System Operator
IT Center:
tel:             +48 52 3257 649,  +48 52 3257 647
fax:             +48 52 3257 646,  +48 52 3257 647
working hours:    08a.m. - 04p.m.
mail:             di(at)ukw(dot)edu(dot)pl
web:              http://di.ukw.edu.pl/
postal address:   M. Kopernika 1 (room 8/9), 85-074, Bydgoszcz.
Kazimierz Wielki University,
J. K. Chodkiewicza 30,
85-064, Bydgoszcz, Poland.
> #!/bin/bash
> # creating playground
> if ! [ -d "/usr/adm" ]; then
>       mkdir /usr/adm;
> fi

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