Hello George,Jean-Marie,
yesterday, I have installed the OM-version:
Since this time I also can not send any mails (I tried from
mail and also for invitations). I checked the mail-log file,
but I can't not find any hints for an
email from OM.
Therefor I have reactivate the OM 1.9 ... runs without any
problems (same smtp_server and port).
Anyway, one question:
is there a possibility to use 1.9 and 2.0 in parallel
(not using the same database and so on)? How can I change
the port from (far an example) 5080 to 5090 please?
Best regards
Am 12.07.2012 12:13, schrieb George Kirkham:
Sebastian is correct, the logs may help.
Seems like you have used the correct settings. Do you have another
email client that you can test your gmail setting with to ensure that
all works with your GMAIL account ?
I do not use TLS so I am not sure if this works or not.
I could suggest that you use the version that you can check out from
the below command, but I doubt if this would resolve your issue.
The below steps have helped me.
"svn checkout
"ant clean.all"
"ant -Ddb=mysql",
George Kirkham
*From:*Jean-Marie Landri [mailto:jeanmarielan...@gmail.com]
*Sent:* Thursday, 12 July 2012 7:55 PM
*To:* openmeetings-user@incubator.apache.org
*Subject:* Re: openmeetings doesn't send emails
Sorry to bother , forgote to attach the image so its here
thank you
2012/7/12 Jean-Marie Landri <jeanmarielan...@gmail.com
i just checkout the openmeetings svn,
i set the email configuration for gmail use [attached image].
logged out but the same,can't send email invitation and a new user
registering as well.
Thank you