

A few questions for you;


1)      Did people flush their browser's cache before using the new
version (this has been a trap for me in the past).
To clear Internet Explorer's cache, select "Internet Options" and in the
"Internet Options" window, select "Delete..." button, and then in the
"Delete Browsing History" window, on have only "Temporary Internet
files" and "Form data" selected, then select the "Delete" button.

2)      What was the url you used to check out Openmeetings?  Was it
"svn checkout
and did you compile it by first running "ant clean.all" and then running
the "ant -Ddb=mysql" ?

3)      What is your OpenMeetings Server's OS, and version of sun-java? 

4)      Can you reproduce the issues? If so can you send us a few screen
shots at file attachments, please.




George Kirkham




From: Oleg Larin [mailto:uch...@googlemail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, 12 July 2012 7:17 AM
To: openmeetings-user@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Client issues after upgrade


Hi All, 


We have upgraded OM from a pretty old version ( 1.5...2  year old) to
the latest one (got from svn about one-week-old) ... 


At least two clients had the same issue:  some buttons in the interface
did not work after the upgrade. 

For one client  it was  button "Go to conference"  in audio/video test
dialog (firefox), for another  client  it was "Select file"- button in
file upload  dialog (in IE). Both clients worked with the "old" OM
version flawlessly.


One client was fixed by Flash player upgrade + removing cookies
(firefox). Tomorrow I will  work on another one...



-          Is it expected behavior after upgrade? 

-          If yes, what actions we should perform on the clients after
OM server upgrade (remove browser cache, cookies, Flash Player upgrade
etc.) ?  



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