
Yes the my Ubuntu machine that I was using last night kept failing
regarding this Adobe Flash Player bug as I could not
click on the Adobe Flash Player Settings Menu to ALLOW the server to use my
WebCam & Mic.

On a 32 bit machine I didn't have a problem.

But the bugs I listed below are just a few of those filed on this issue by
Mac & various Linux distro users
concerning inability to "click" on Adobe Flash Player Setttings Menu

Seem ... that beside overall market movement toward HTML5 as a replacement
for Flash ... this is another
good reason that I hope the future holds the same for OpenMeetings to
substitute HTML5 for Flash use.

Let me know your 32 bit server and I'll try that too ... but I think this
problem may be client side ?  I could be wrong though<g>


On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 8:45 AM, George Kirkham <>wrote:

> Brian,****
> ** **
> Are you saying that this an Adobe Flash problem affecting the Flash Player
> in 64 client computers?****
> ** **
> I had one user who has a MAC computer and they had the same issue, but
> after uninstalling and reinstalling Flash, all worked well. I am not sure
> how they came to this conclusion but they said that the original Flash
> install had partly failed, and that after reinstalling and it had completed
> successfully, all was OK.****
> ** **
> Do you have access to a computer on which OpenMeetings is guaranteed to
> fail due to the computer being 64 bit?  If so, I have a OpenMeetings 32 bit
> server, and I am wondering if a 32 bit server may not cause the issue to
> happen on the 64 bit client computer? Is it worth the test?****
> ** **
> ** **
> Thanks,****
> ** **
> George Kirkham****
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> *From:* brian mullan []
> *Sent:* Tuesday, 22 May 2012 10:30 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* fyi .. adobe flash player BUG affects x64 Mac, Linux and some
> Win7 users****
> ** **
> Thanks to George Kirkham's Red5 script, last night my AWS OpenMeetings
> v2.0 now works.
> However, I ran into a problem with Adobe Flash Player that I've since
> learned affects many/most x64 Linux, Mac and *some* Win7 users.
> The bug prevents users from clicking on & selecting options on the Flash
> Player User Settings menu.****
>    - This obviously makes OpenMeetings unusable on these x64 bit systems
>    that are affected because after joining a Meeting room****
>    - the first thing asked after verifying webcam/microphone window is
>    the presentation of the Adobe Flash Player User Settings menuthat asks If
>    you will permit the server to utilize your Webcam & Microphone.****
> For Ubuntu (similar bugs have been filed in RedHat and other x64 Linux
> distros) the bug description can be found here:
> For MAC users this bug:
> NOTE:  it affects all browsers.  there are a couple work-arounds but they
> only work for some users.
> If you go to Adobe's Bug tracker system and search for "flash player mouse
> click" you will find dozens of bugs filed by people using many different
> operating systems and browsers.
> So my choice seems to be
> ****

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