Thanks to George Kirkham's Red5 script, last night my AWS OpenMeetings v2.0
now works.

However, I ran into a problem with Adobe Flash Player that I've since
learned affects many/most x64 Linux, Mac and *some* Win7 users.

The bug prevents users from clicking on & selecting options on the Flash
Player User Settings menu.

   - This obviously makes OpenMeetings unusable on these x64 bit systems
   that are affected because after joining a Meeting room
   - the first thing asked after verifying webcam/microphone window is the
   presentation of the Adobe Flash Player User Settings menuthat asks If you
   will permit the server to utilize your Webcam & Microphone.

For Ubuntu (similar bugs have been filed in RedHat and other x64 Linux
distros) the bug description can be found here:

For MAC users this bug:

NOTE:  it affects all browsers.  there are a couple work-arounds but they
only work for some users.

If you go to Adobe's Bug tracker system and search for "flash player mouse
click" you will find dozens of bugs filed by people using many different
operating systems and browsers.

So my choice seems to be

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