Yes, we do - we have working P2P demo on
Not sure if it works, - it was useless waste of our money anyway :-(

There is a reason behind flash P2P implementation which makes it
non-usable. It requires switching default firewall off which a
standard user cannot and should not do.

With best regards / с наилучшими пожеланиями,
Alexei Fedotov / Алексей Федотов,
+7 916 562 8095

On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 5:40 PM, Daniel Ascher <> wrote:
> Thanks Sebastian.
> I am sure you are all aware of the advantages of using P2P. Hopefully this
> will be possible in the near future.
> Best.
> Dan
> On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 4:00 AM,
> <> wrote:
>> Red5 acts as proxy server, all data is processed: client <=> server <=>
>> client
>> There is no P2P live stream with Flash (to be discussed :))
>> My last information about P2P is: Only customers that are using "Adobe
>> Stratus" can use a protocol called RTMFP with that protocol P2P is possible
>> with Flash.
>> If you want to discuss more about that topic I would suggest you try to
>> contact the Red5 developers.
>> Sebastian
>> 2012/5/1 Daniel Ascher <>
>>> Hi all:
>>> Is the webcam video in OM handled by using RTMP to make direct
>>> peer-to-peer connections between users, rather than sending everything
>>> through the server?  Just checking on this since I understand that once the
>>> server side authenticates the users and make the connections between them,
>>> Flash Player handles the rest. And this expedites the transfer of the webcam
>>> data.
>>> Thanks for your help.
>>> Dan
>>> --
>>> Daniel Ascher, M.Ed.
>>> President
>>> A+ Test Prep and Tutoring
>>> "Creating Bright Futures"
>>> 505 York Road, Suite 6
>>> Jenkintown, PA 19046
>>> Office: 215.886.9188
>>> Direct: 267.242.9640
>> --
>> Sebastian Wagner
> --
> Daniel Ascher, M.Ed.
> President
> A+ Test Prep and Tutoring
> "Creating Bright Futures"
> 505 York Road, Suite 6
> Jenkintown, PA 19046
> Office: 215.886.9188
> Direct: 267.242.9640

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