Hi Vital, invitations to private rooms can be protected with password. -- With best regards / с наилучшими пожеланиями, Alexei Fedotov / Алексей Федотов, http://dataved.ru/ +7 916 562 8095
On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 9:09 PM, V. Trizna <vital.tri...@uclouvain.be> wrote: > Hello, > > > > I searched and already found an earlier answer to the question about > protecting a room with a password. > > The answer was ‘there are no such feature’, ‘you can set up organizations or > use calendar’. > > > > But… J > > > > I still would like to ask if that feature could not be implemented in a > future release. > > > > The reason is that I work in a university with thousands of students, in > most case we use Openmeetings for our courses but we don’t know the emails > of all the students that will participate so we can’t use the calendar. > > And each year we have different students so it’s almost impossible to > manage. We also can’t spend time to create organizations and put our > students in the right ones (and remove them at the end of the year). > > The easiest way for us (and I suppose for other people) is to be able to > create a password protected room, then we just have to tell the password to > our students and that’s it. > > It will not be 100% sure that we don’t have an ‘undesirable guest’ in the > audience but that solution would be the easiest way to answer to our > problem. > > > > I really hope this can be done. > > > > Thank you in advance, > > > > All the best, > > > > Vital, > >