On Fri, 22 Nov 2024 16:45:36 GMT, Marius Hanl <mh...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> This PR fixes the horizontal virtualization performed in the 
>> `TableRowSkinBase`, which significantly improves performance with many 
>> columns (and thus many cells). Scrolling up and down as well as scrolling 
>> left and right feels much more snappy.
>> In order to do that, there are multiple things needed:
>> - the `isColumnPartiallyOrFullyVisible` needs to be fixed to take the 
>> `VirtualFlow` into account, not the `TableView`. Since rows are inside the 
>> `VirtualFlow`, we need to use the width from there
>>   - The wrong implementation right now leads to 
>> [JDK-8276326](https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8276326), where if you 
>> scroll to the right with many columns, cells on the left start to be empty 
>> (since they are removed when they should'nt be)
>>   - It also does not help performance when scrolled to the left, as the 
>> right cells are not removed (only when scrolling to the right, cells on the 
>> left are removed)
>> - To improve performance, `isColumnPartiallyOrFullyVisible` was refactored 
>> to take in everything that is needed directly, without reiterating through 
>> all columns
>> - As before, the `TableRow` adds or removes cells that are visible or not. 
>> Note that this is only done when a fixed cell size is set. 
>> The reason for that is that we always know the row height. If not set, we 
>> need all cells so we can iterate over them to get the max height. I'm not 
>> sure if this can be improved, but this is not the goal of this PR and can be 
>> checked later
>> - The other issue mentioned in 
>> [JDK-8276326](https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8276326) happens only when 
>> a fixed cell size is set (empty rows). This is related and also fixed:
>>   - Cells start to be empty when scolling around a lot. This is because 
>> cells that are in the pile (ready to be reused) will not receive any layout 
>> requests (`requestLayout`) while all cells in the viewport will receive 
>> them. As soon as they are reused, they are visually outdated and not 
>> updated, leading to empty cells
>>   Fix is to request layout to those cells as well, and as soon as they are 
>> reused, they will layout themself
>>   - This has revealed another error: Cells that are not used anymore (added 
>> to the pile and invisible) are STILL inside the `VirtualFlow` sheet (as 
>> children). This will cause them to actually do the layout when requested, 
>> and especially when the height of the `TableView` changed drastically (e.g. 
>> from 50 visible cells to just 10), we have 40 cells laying around, receiving 
>> the layout request I added to fix [JDK-82763...
> Marius Hanl has refreshed the contents of this pull request, and previous 
> commits have been removed. The incremental views will show differences 
> compared to the previous content of the PR. The pull request contains one new 
> commit since the last revision:
>   8185887: TableRowSkinBase fails to correctly virtualize cells in horizontal 
> direction

By the way, a Tree/TableView with 500 columns is barely usable - locks up the 
UI giving me a macOS spinning beach ball quite often.  Not that it's a 
reasonable use case.  200 is ok.  May be the 500 case can be used for profiling?

Speaking of the vertical scrolling - I could not use the idea implemented by 
the VirtualFlow in the RichTextArea as it won't work in the case of very large 
models.  So instead it uses approximation, see


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1644#issuecomment-2520640684

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