On Mon, 7 Oct 2024 15:13:17 GMT, Michael Strauß <mstra...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> This PR is an improved version of #1093.
> JavaFX can load BMP, GIF, PNG, and JPEG images with its built-in image 
> loaders. It has been a long-standing request to support more image formats, 
> most notably (but not limited to) SVG. However, adding more built-in image 
> loaders is a significant effort not only in creating the functionality, but 
> also in maintaining the additional dependencies.
> This will probably not happen any time soon, so we are left with three 
> alternatives:
> 1. Accept the fact that JavaFX will never be able to load additional image 
> formats.
> 2. Create a public image loader API, and hope that developers in the JavaFX 
> ecosystem will create image loader plugins.
> 3. Leverage the existing Java Image I/O API.
> From these options, I think we should simply support existing Java APIs; both 
> because it is the shortest and most realistic path forward, but also because 
> I don't think it is sensible to bifurcate pluggable image loading in the Java 
> ecosystem.
> Of course, Java Image I/O is a part of the `java.desktop` module, which as of 
> now, all JavaFX applications require. However, it has been noted in the 
> previous PR that we shouldn't lock JavaFX into the `java.desktop` dependency 
> even further.
> I've improved this PR to not permanently require the `java.desktop` 
> dependency: if the module is present, then JavaFX will use Image I/O for 
> image formats that it can't load with the built-in loaders; if the module is 
> not present, only the built-in loaders are available.
> I have prepared a small sample application that showcases how the feature can 
> be used to load SVG images in a JavaFX application: 
> https://github.com/mstr2/jfx-imageio-sample

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: 72af9e23
Author:    Michael Strauß <mstra...@openjdk.org>
Stats:     3835 lines in 36 files changed: 3036 ins; 632 del; 167 mod

8306707: Support pluggable image loading via javax.imageio

Reviewed-by: jhendrikx, kcr, jdv


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1593

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