I've been looking into how exactly navigation keys are being used in FX, and who is responsible for handling them:

- Controls can choose to install navigational keys directly in their input map (using FocusTraversalInputMap::getFocusTraversalMappings) - Controls can choose to do nothing and leave navigation keys to bubble up to Scene, at which point Scene will act on any unconsumed navigation keys (in the same was as the traversal mappings would)

Scene basically is capable of almost all navigation you could possibly want out of the box.  Any control that does not install navigation keys, and leaves said keys to bubble up gets navigation for **free**.  This is almost all controls in JavaFX, and it makes sense as Controls should not care about navigation, they should only care about key presses that affect them directly.  Navigation should be a concern somewhere higher up in the hierarchy.

So why do some controls install their own navigation keys?

There are two answers:

1. For some controls, navigation is conditional. A Spinner only allows directional navigation for the left/right keys, or up/down keys depending on its orientation. 2. There is an unfortunate choice in ScrollPane that consumes directional keys for scrolling purposes, and so if such keys were left to bubble up, they would not end up at Scene.  Any control supporting directional navigation therefore must **specifically** install these bindings directly, even though navigation is not their concern (a Button cares about being pressed, not about activating unrelated controls nearby).

The ScrollPane eating directional keys is an odd choice. In order for it to do so one of the following must be true:

- A control inside it has focus that should act on directional navigation, but forgot to install navigation bindings (a custom control).  Such a control would work perfectly when not part of a ScrollPane (as Scene would then handle directional navigation), but break when placed inside it.  Note that all JavaFX controls do this "properly".  I couldn't find any controls that would leave directional keys to bubble up for a ScrollPane to consume.

- The ScrollPane itself has focus; this can only happen when directly selected with the mouse (or focus traversable is set to true) and no specific control inside the pane was selected.  The ScrollPane receives the ":focused" style, clearly indicating that it is the target for keyboard events to the user.

In short, ScrollPane is making navigation a lot more complex within FX than it needs to be.  Especially custom controls that do not have access (currently) to install navigational bindings will suffer from this, and will have to resort to their own navigation implementation for directional keys when placed inside a ScrollPane.

# Proposal

I think ScrollPane violates what I think should be a fundamental rule.  Keys should only be consumed by what the user perceives as the focused control (ie. the one outlined with a highlighted border), with the only exceptions being short cuts (from a menu) or mnemonics.  Containers such controls happen to be placed in should NOT consume key events -- the container is not the control with the focus, and so would confuse the user.  Only ScrollPane is violating this currently.  Note that if the ScrollPane has focus itself (and it has the :focused highlight) then it is perfectly fine and expected for it to consume keys as much as it wants.

This is why I think we should modify ScrollPane to not consume the directional keys, unless it specifically has the focus.  All other controls can then remove their navigational bindings and leave them to bubble up to Scene, cleaning up their behaviors so they can focus on other concerns.  Custom controls would no longer need to install navigational bindings either, and would not need to worry about being placed inside a ScrollPane and having their directional navigation broken.

Optional, but recommended, controls like Spinner should only act on the directional keys intended for them, and leave the ones they can't use to bubble up.  So a vertical spinner would consume up/down for changing the spinner value, but would leave left/right untouched for Scene to handle.  Controls that install a full set of navigational keys (like Button, ListView and TitledPane) don't need to do so anymore.

I think I will file a ticket for this soon, but I'm curious what others think of this analysis.

Note that by solving this problem, the need to make navigation functionality available to custom controls severely diminishes as one can simple leave the KeyEvents responsible for standard navigation to bubble up (recommended as this may be different for each platform).


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