On Sat, 3 Aug 2024 00:14:23 GMT, Michael Strauß <mstra...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> modules/javafx.graphics/src/main/java/com/sun/javafx/util/Utils.java line 
>> 183:
>>> 181:      *     <li>If the intermediate list is shallow-equal to the first 
>>> list passed into the method (i.e. its
>>> 182:      *         elements are references to the same objects), the 
>>> existing list is returned.
>>> 183:      *     <li>If a new list is returned, it is unmodifiable.
>> Well, it's documented, but I'd rather see this return an unmodifiable list 
>> in all cases (and not one of the input lists if it was determined to be 
>> modifiable).  Perhaps ensure this is compatible with `List.copyOf` so that 
>> copies are only made when needed.
> In practice, any list that is passed into this method is already 
> unmodifiable. This isn't a general-purpose method, it's tailored towards its 
> usage for `Border` and `Background` interpolation, and the optimization 
> scheme that is used in these classes.

Alright, I get how it works now, and that there is a lot of reference equality 
checking going on by callers.


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/1522#discussion_r1703411678

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