On Tue, May 09, 2023 at 03:52:25PM +1000, Carl Brewer wrote:
> Quite annoying!  Maybe someone on this list knows what sort of KVM switch
> might provide enough for a HDMI card to behave at boot time?  I don't know
> the terminology, so search engines are not being kind! I'd really like to be
> able to use one.

I recently converted from a VGA/USB KVM to an HDMI/USB KVM switch.
The new one works with Winows 10 and OI.  My three OI systems already
had HDMI ports.  The Windows system had only VGA and DP ports.  I had
to obtain a DP to HDMI adapter for that one.  You need some sort of
digital video port for all systems.

I use this KVM now:


Beware that you need to boot OI systems twice before the keyboard and
mouse will work.  Alternatively, you can replace the second boot with
just temporarly switching the KVM to a different system.

-Gary Mills-            -refurb-                -Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada-

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