On 3/28/22 09:06, Andreas Wacknitz wrote:
Am 28.03.22 um 02:02 schrieb Jason Martin:
Just a heads up.
I was using this package before my disk space problem.
I uninstalled and then re-installed but I still get this error.
agrellum@openindiana:~$ geany
ld.so.1: geany: fatal: relocation error: file /usr/lib/libgeany.so.0:
symbol g_get_os_info: referenced symbol not found
It looks like geany needs a rebuild after our necessary downgrade of
glib to 2.62.6. Alas, geany doesn't compile with this old glib version.
Thus, we need to fix our problems with newer glib versions before geany
will be working again.
openindiana-discuss mailing list
Was getting ready to go through all the libs in amd64.
All other things had passed and I had ran pkg fix on all 1184 packages.
Thank you.
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