Hi Jason,

On Sun, 2022-03-27 at 20:02 -0400, Jason Martin wrote:
> Just a heads up.
> I was using this package before my disk space problem.
> I uninstalled and then re-installed but I still get this error.
> agrellum@openindiana:~$ geany
> ld.so.1: geany: fatal: relocation error: file /usr/lib/libgeany.so.0:
> symbol g_get_os_info: referenced symbol not found
> Killed
I just installed geany and it appears to work, this is the versaion I
am using:
    ~$ geany --version
    geany 1.38 (built on 2021-10-23 with GTK 3.24.30, GLib 2.66.8)

Verify the geany package installation. If the package installation is
valid, the following command returns nothing:
    ~$ pkg verify editor/geany

If you obtain an error, try using the fix option:
    ~$ pkg fix editor/geany

If this doesn't help, check whether there other libraries required by
geany causing a problem:
    ~$ ldd /usr/bin/geanny
This should produce a list of libraries and where they are found. If
you see any NOT FOUND (or something similar); then this might help in
the hunt for the problem: which libs are not found ...
(Are ther links to libgeany.so.0.0.0, etc ok?) Is libgeany.so really
found in /usr/lib? or somewhere else. Have you set LD_LIBRARY_PATH? If
LD_LIBRARY_PATH has been set, unset it (unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH), and try

Finally confirm that g_get_os_info is really not in libgeany.so:
    ~$ nm /usr/lib/libgeany.so | grep g_get_os_info
    [16475] |         0|         0|FUNC |GLOB |0    |UNDEF

For me the method is in the lib and all is fine. You should be
obtaining an error here.

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