thanks to everyone. I've installed

root@openindiana:~# pkg set-publisher -p --search-after --non-sticky hipster-encumbered
pkg set-publisher:
  Updated publisher(s): hipster-encumbered

root@openindiana:~# pkg install library/audio/gstreamer1/plugin/bad
           Packages to install:  6
       Create boot environment: No
Create backup boot environment: No

DOWNLOAD                                PKGS         FILES    XFER (MB)
Completed                                6/6       559/559    23.7/23.7

PHASE                                          ITEMS
Installing new actions                       783/783
Updating package state database                 Done
Updating package cache                           0/0
Updating image state                            Done
Creating fast lookup database                   Done

root@openindiana:~# pkg install library/audio/gstreamer1/plugin/ugly
           Packages to install:  2
       Create boot environment: No
Create backup boot environment: No

DOWNLOAD                                PKGS         FILES    XFER (MB)
Completed                                2/2         83/83      2.2/2.2

PHASE                                          ITEMS
Installing new actions                       127/127
Updating package state database                 Done
Updating package cache                           0/0
Updating image state                            Done
Creating fast lookup database                   Done

root@openindiana:~# pkg install library/audio/gstreamer1/plugin/libav
           Packages to install:  1
       Create boot environment: No
Create backup boot environment: No

DOWNLOAD                                PKGS         FILES    XFER (MB)
Completed                                1/1           3/3    51.6/51.6

PHASE                                          ITEMS
Installing new actions                         22/22
Updating package state database                 Done
Updating package cache                           0/0
Updating image state                            Done
Creating fast lookup database                   Done

root@openindiana:~# pkg install library/audio/gstreamer/plugin/ffmpeg
           Packages to install:  1
       Create boot environment: No
Create backup boot environment: No

DOWNLOAD                                PKGS         FILES    XFER (MB)
Completed                                1/1           7/7    22.8/22.8

PHASE                                          ITEMS
Installing new actions                         27/27
Updating package state database                 Done
Updating package cache                           0/0
Updating image state                            Done
Creating fast lookup database                   Done

root@openindiana:~# pkg install library/video/x265
No updates necessary for this image.

but vlc 3.16 still does not play my mp4 well at all. Do you know what can
be missed ?

Il giorno ven 22 ott 2021 alle ore 01:01 Tim Mooney via openindiana-discuss
<> ha scritto:

> In regard to: [OpenIndiana-discuss] a MP4 media player which works on...:
> > Hello. I've downloaded an mp4 file from the internet and I'm trying to
> play
> > it on openindiana. I tried several players,but none of them worked. For
> > example, Totem says : "MPEG-4 AAC decoder plugin is not installed" and it
> > won't work. VLC is able to open it but it is not able to play it well at
> > all. Rhythmbox is not able to open it at all. Maybe mplayer,but I don't
> > know how to install it. Can someone suggest to me what to do ? thanks.
> What's included in the main OpenIndiana software repository (repo) is
> software that can be installed legally by (almost) anyone.  Not every
> last bit is open source, but most people can legally install the
> compiled software.
> There's a separate repository for software that may have licensing
> restrictions that prevents it from being used in certain countries, for
> certain purposes, etc.  This repo has more "use at your own risk, be
> sure you know the legal ramifications, etc." software.  That happens
> to apply to a lot of media encoder/decoder (codecs), including ones
> that are needed for formats like mp3, mp4, etc.
> I recommend you add that repository (it's a "publisher" in pkg-speak):
>   sudo pkg set-publisher \
>         -p  \
>         --search-after \
>         --non-sticky \
>         hipster-encumbered
> >From there, you can search and install additional components that may
> improve your media experience.
> In particular
>         library/audio/gstreamer1/plugin/bad
>         library/audio/gstreamer1/plugin/ugly
>         library/audio/gstreamer1/plugin/libav
> May have stuff that helps anything using gstreamer.
> I have other codec-related packages installed from hipster-encumbered too.
> See:
> Tim
> --
> Tim Mooney                                   
> Enterprise Computing & Infrastructure /
> Division of Information Technology    /                701-231-1076 (Voice)
> North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105-5164
> _______________________________________________
> openindiana-discuss mailing list

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