On 2021-03-02 03:20, cretin1997 via openindiana-discuss wrote:
Another weakness of FreeBSD is the init system of it that has to be
mitigated by
tools like daemontools.
No offense, but this is false.
Some embrace the KISS principle praise it for it
deterministic and simplicity. But when comparing with Solaris' SMF and FMA,
FreeBSD's RC init system is a joke. That's real. FreeBSD's RC init system
loses to
SystemD, too, even though they don't want to admit it.
This is purely opinion (yours). :-)
I know many, many people who flocked from Linux to FreeBSD when SystemD as
the only option became final. Those whom couldn't bear to leave Linux, went
to Slackware.
~10yrs a FreeBSD maintainer of ~160 ports
~40yrs of UNIX
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