‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Tuesday, March 2, 2021 2:58 PM, Han Sapta <han.sa...@gmx.com> wrote:
> Coming from FreeBSD, with all due respect to the FreeBSD
> brilliant people, I feel like we are still infants.
> I am deeply grateful to OI, OmniOS and SmartOS developers for
> keeping ilumos alive and thriving.
> Han
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> openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org
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I don't know why every Solaris refugees I met on the FreeBSD forums praise 
Solaris, too. I think they are sincere. But the fact is they are 
migrating/already migrated from Solaris to FreeBSD, I think it's more to do 
with emotion rather than real quality of the OS.

Yours should be a rare case IMHO.

And yeah, FreeBSD's tools are not as sophisticated as Solaris. As I said, 
FreeBSD embraces the KISS principle, but Solaris and now modern Linux choose 
more integrated and functionalities, this lead to over-engineering with all in 
one tools like SystemD emerging.

It's all depends on personal opinion. Check of man page of FreeBSD's pkg, a 
fake clone of IPS pkg:


and the real IPS pkg:


you could easily tell who is the beast in term of complexity and 

I personally prefer the simpler tool that just done it job.

Another weakness of FreeBSD is the init system of it that has to be mitigated 
by tools like daemontools. Some embrace the KISS principle praise it for it 
deterministic and simplicity. But when comparing with Solaris' SMF and FMA, 
FreeBSD's RC init system is a joke. That's real. FreeBSD's RC init system loses 
to SystemD, too, even though they don't want to admit it.

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