Jim Klimov <jimkli...@cos.ru> writes:


> For me, the last Oracle-released Virtualbox package that got installed
> was a recent 5.0.x one. The 5.1.x need qt5 and some differently-named
> packages as dependencies, so there were efforts to roll OI's own. I
> did not yet look into replacing its config-scripts or whether that
> would help.
> Sorry, on the road - can't help more ATM.

Thank you sir.. that bit of help did the trick.

No need to respond further with travel and plenty of work going on.

Just want to tell you how it went:

When I moved from build 151 to hipster (clean install) I'd been
running 5 vbox vms on it (151).

I copied them on to my hipster install, but could not get vbox
installed to run them

Using your patches and directions I managed to get 5.0.28 edited to
the point it installed and am now firing up my vms for the first time
in a couple months.  They are starting and running.... yippee.

There was some kind of failure during install (partial log below )
.. the final message was


   - Installed: Bindings for Python 2.7
  Updating the boot archive...

  Installation of <SUNWvbox> partially failed.
-------       -------       ---=---       -------       ------- 

I think I must have done something wrong when re=establishing checksum
ov vboxconfig.sh script or something like that.

But not sure what it could be:

Last 27 or so lines of install output:

  /opt/VirtualBox/vbox-img <linked pathname>
  ERROR: content verification of </opt/VirtualBox/vboxconfig.sh> failed
      file size <45589> expected <47761> actual
      file cksum <37545> expected <45194> actual
  /opt/VirtualBox/vboxwebsrv <linked pathname>
  /opt/VirtualBox/webtest <linked pathname>
  [ verifying class <manifest> ]
  ## Executing postinstall script.
  Checking for older bits...
  Detected an opensource Solaris descendant, assuming snv_151 compatibility
  Installing new ones...
  Detected an opensource Solaris descendant, assuming snv_151 compatibility
  Detected Solaris 11 Version 151
  Loading VirtualBox kernel modules...
     - Loaded: Host module
     - Loaded: NetAdapter module
     - Loaded: NetFilter (STREAMS) module
     - Loaded: USBMonitor module
     - Loaded: USB module
  Configuring services...
     - Enabled: Zone access service
  Installing MIME types and icons...
  Installing Python bindings...
     - Installed: Bindings for Python 2.7
  Updating the boot archive...
  Installation of <SUNWvbox> partially failed.

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