Jim Klimov <jimkli...@cos.ru> writes:

> The error message sounds like something that my
> https://github.com/jimklimov/vboxconfig_sh tries to alleviate. Indeed,
> after the different Solaris and illumos distros split ways, it became
> very difficult to guess for a script whether a needed kernel/feature
> level is available.
> You can apply the patch from that repo to the installed copy of
> original Oracle Virtualbox script, to have it remove the bits cleanly,
> hopefully.

So do you mean use it only to get the uninstall cleaned up but not to
use it for an install too? Or for both?

Thanks for the tip and for putting in the work

I ask about using the patch for an install becaused:

Trying to follow the directions in the README file in the cloned set of

There appears to be three patches in that git clone at


once downloaded:

  ls -l *patch*

... 7958 May 11 14:07 vboxconfig.sh.patch

... 6862 May 11 14:07 vboxconfig.sh.patch-20150309-vs-4.3.24

... 7958 May 11 14:07 vboxconfig_sh/vboxconfig.sh.patch-20150624-vs-4.3.24

Two appear to be the same size and same content:

diff vboxconfig_sh/vboxconfig.sh.patch

<no output>

The patch from Mar 9 2015 has about 1100 fewer characters and
14 fewer lines

Commentary in the newer patch:

 < Compared to the March 2015 patch, this one supports the new PKG FMRI
 < numbering scheme present in OpenIndiana Hipster-2015.0 repositories.
 < Also it has been tested to apply to upstream release versions 4.3.28
 < and 5.0rc1 (some fuzz and offset messages may be reported by gpatch).

The newest patch is almost 2 yrs old.  The newest vbox version (5.1.22) 
is from last month I think...

So before I bugger something up with my ill-informed bungling, can
anyone say if this newest patch is likely to work with vbox 5.1.22 or
should I be getting an older version of vbox to try it on?

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