23 сентября 2016 г. 9:51:49 CEST, "Aurélien Larcher" 
<aurelien.larc...@gmail.com> пишет:
>On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 9:35 AM, Мартин Бохниг via openindiana-discuss
><openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> yep, that's clear (pls. see my mail).
>> But my question was, why they are defined as mutually exclusive.
>> It is in 99% of cases perhaps a valid expectation, that newer is
>better than older and that 4.9 superceedes 4.7 and that you at best
>keep one copy of gcc3.x in place (the newest one) plus the same for 4.x
>(4.9) and some day 5.x (at the moment 5.4).
>> But why can's a user have both 4.9 and 4.7 plus 4.8 at once?
>> That was defined like this in the manifests and I'm not yet anough
>familiar with ips to know every nitty gritty.
>> But my proposal is to change this back to a scenario where I can
>install what I want (of those packages that are available).
>> In /usr/gcc there is no filesystem namespace conflict.
>> Or are the really poor symlinks to /usr/bin the the reason for this
>> IMHO not an ideal design, same remarks as with Qt4.8 versus whatever.
>The situation is already as you say for GCC, Qt, clang and the MPI
>implementations etc... and even with JPEG libraries.
>We always have several version installed in their own prefix and
>symlinks to the current default in /usr
>For GCC they even have their own copy of gmp, mpfr and mpc.
>For gcc-5 I provided *-5 symlinks in /usr/bin but they do not harm
>Kind regards,
>> I could look myslef, but let me simply ask: Are the symlinks to
>/usr/bin  part of the same package or of extra dedicated symlinks
>> If not the latter, then the former should in the future be changed
>into the latter, no?
>> Forgive me if I am missing anything here.
>> On my old OpenSXCE devel machine I got used to having all compilers
>installed at once (in /usr/gcc) and no silly symlinks to /usr/bin.
>> It is sometimes very useful to have all compilers quickly at hand for
>an instant comparison.
>> Thanks,
>> best regards,
>> %martin bochnig
>>>Пятница, 23 сентября 2016, 7:23 UTC от Alexander Pyhalov
>>>On 09/23/16 10:19 AM, Мартин Бохниг via openindiana-discuss wrote:
>>>> Ok, another self-correction after a long Vbox night.
>>>> gcc4.5 is not in the repo (although it was for a long time part of
>userland along with 4.7 and 4.8).
>>>> Obviously I cannot install something (gcc4.5) which isn't in the
>>>Currently, we provide
>>>$ pkg info -r developer/gcc*
>>>           Name: developer/gcc-3
>>>        Summary: gcc - The GNU C compiler
>>>    Description: GNU C - The GNU C compiler 3.4.3
>>>       Category: Development/C
>>>          State: Not installed
>>>      Publisher: openindiana.org
>>>        Version: 3.4.3
>>>         Branch: 2016.0.0.1
>>>Packaging Date: July 29, 2016 11:29:45 PM
>>>           Size: 89.83 MB
>>>           FMRI:
>>>    Project URL:  http://gcc.gnu.org/
>>>     Source URL:
>>># As you can see, this one was removed:
>>>           Name: developer/gcc-47
>>>          State: Not installed (Obsolete)
>>>      Publisher: openindiana.org
>>>        Version: 4.7.4
>>>         Branch: 2015.0.2.0
>>>Packaging Date: August 16, 2016 05:57:15 PM
>>>           Size: 0.00 B
>>>           FMRI:
>>>           Name: developer/gcc-48
>>>        Summary: GNU Compiler Collection
>>>       Category: Development/C
>>>          State: Not installed
>>>      Publisher: openindiana.org
>>>        Version: 4.8.5
>>>         Branch: 2016.0.0.1
>>>Packaging Date: July 29, 2016 11:30:11 PM
>>>           Size: 465.49 MB
>>>           FMRI:
>>>    Project URL:  http://gcc.gnu.org/
>>>     Source URL: 
>>>           Name: developer/gcc-49
>>>        Summary: GNU Compiler Collection
>>>       Category: Development/C
>>>          State: Installed
>>>      Publisher: openindiana.org
>>>        Version: 4.9.4
>>>         Branch: 2016.0.0.0
>>>Packaging Date: August 13, 2016 02:25:36 PM
>>>           Size: 518.15 MB
>>>           FMRI:
>>>    Project URL:  http://gcc.gnu.org/
>>>     Source URL: 
>>>           Name: developer/gcc-5
>>>        Summary: GNU Compiler Collection
>>>       Category: Development/C
>>>          State: Not installed
>>>      Publisher: openindiana.org
>>>        Version: 5.4.0
>>>         Branch: 2016.0.1.1
>>>Packaging Date: September 12, 2016 12:19:32 PM
>>>           Size: 667.23 MB
>>>           FMRI:
>>>    Project URL:  http://gcc.gnu.org/
>>>     Source URL: 
>>>Best regards,
>>>Alexander Pyhalov,
>>>system administrator of Southern Federal University IT department
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Just for completeness: there are symlinks delivered in common paths like 
/usr/bin that point to a current default version picked by user and installed 
into a unique non-conflicting location. This is done (and changed) with IPS 
mediator 'actions'.

Hope this helps,
Typos courtesy of K-9 Mail on my Samsung Android

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