On 09/23/16 10:35 AM, Мартин Бохниг wrote:

But why can's a user have both 4.9 and 4.7 plus 4.8 at once?

He can. There's no conflicts.

Here I have all of them installed

# pkg list developer/gcc*
NAME (PUBLISHER) VERSION IFO developer/gcc-3 3.4.3-2016.0.0.1 i-- developer/gcc-48 4.8.5-2016.0.0.1 i-- developer/gcc-49 4.9.4-2016.0.0.0 i-- developer/gcc-5 (userland) 5.4.0-2016.0.0.0 i--

That was defined like this in the manifests and I'm not yet anough familiar 
with ips to know every nitty gritty.
But my proposal is to change this back to a scenario where I can install what I 
want (of those packages that are available).

In /usr/gcc there is no filesystem namespace conflict.
Or are the really poor symlinks to /usr/bin the the reason for this 

IMHO not an ideal design, same remarks as with Qt4.8 versus whatever.

I could look myslef, but let me simply ask: Are the symlinks to /usr/bin  part 
of the same package or of extra dedicated symlinks packages?
If not the latter, then the former should in the future be changed into the 
latter, no?

Forgive me if I am missing anything here.
On my old OpenSXCE devel machine I got used to having all compilers installed 
at once (in /usr/gcc) and no silly symlinks to /usr/bin.

It is sometimes very useful to have all compilers quickly at hand for an 
instant comparison.

Best regards,
Alexander Pyhalov,
system administrator of Southern Federal University IT department

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